" " The following function returns an Esperanto datestamp for today. " Note: This version requires the EONCR code. " function! EsperantoDatestamp(...) let Month01 = "Januaro" let Month02 = "Februaro" let Month03 = "Marto" let Month04 = "Aprilo" let Month05 = "Majo" let Month06 = "Junio" let Month07 = "Julio" if 3 == g:EONCRCS let Month08 = "Aýgusto" elseif 8 == g:EONCRCS let Month08 = "Aŭgusto" else let Month08 = "Auxgusto" endif let Month09 = "Septembro" let Month10 = "Oktobro" let Month11 = "Novembro" let Month12 = "Decembro" let YearNumber=strftime("%Y") let MonthNumber=strftime("%m") let DayNumber=strftime("%d") let DayNumber = substitute(DayNumber,"^0","","") execute "let Stamp = \"" . DayNumber . " \" . " "Month" . MonthNumber " . \" " . YearNumber . "\"" return Stamp endfunction " " Esperanto datestamper. " In Normal mode, changes the next three Words. " In Insert mode, inserts. " nmap ;de 3cW"=EsperantoDatestamp()= imap ;de "=EsperantoDatestamp()=